Sound System Design
Ueno Park Outdoor Stage
Tokyo, Japan
October 5, 2013
1980年カリフォルニア州オレンジ郡生まれ、現在ニューヨーク在住の韓国系アメリカ人アーティスト。Rochester Institute of Technology、School of Visual Arts修士課程、Bard College Milton Avery Graduate School of the Arts音楽/サウンド部門修士課程修了。生まれながらにして聴覚を持たないが、サウンド・アートに取り組み、「音の所有権」「社会通貨としての音声言語」「サウンド・エチケット」などのテーマにパフォーマンス、インスタレーション、レクチャーを通してアプローチ。2枚組7インチレコード『Panning Fanning』もリリース。ホイットニー美術館にてエデュケーターも務める。ニューヨーク近代美術館(MOMA)で今年8月から11月に開催される「Soundings: A Contemporary Score」展に出品。
Deaf from birth, the artist Christine Sun Kim has established her own “voice” through experimentation on sound art. Her early works focused on translation from the sonic to the visual, but before long she began to explore the politics of sound itself, reflecting on her own experience of reading and learning “sound etiquette” by mirroring other people’s actions and reactions. Performance in the newest form that raises questions on “the ownership of sound” as well as sound and oral languages as “social currency,” by the artist who visits Japan for the first time.
Christine Sun Kim
Born to a Korean family in Orange County, California, in 1980. Currently lives and works in New York. Studied at Rochester Institute of Technology, MFA at School of Visual Arts and Bard College Milton Avery Graduate School of the Arts (Music/Sound). Congenitally deaf, she works on sound art in diverse forms of performance, installation and lecture to reclaim “the ownership of sound,” explore oral languages as “social currency” and unlearn “sound etiquette.” She has also released a set of 7-inch vinyl records Panning Fanning. Also an educator at the Whitney Museum. Her work is featured in Soundings: A Contemporary Score at the Museum of Modern Art (August–November, 2013).